Combined Mining Services

CMS specialises in providing Conveyor Services to Conveyor Owners and Operators. We operate predominately in the mining industry and undertake inspections and provide skilled labour in underground and above ground coal, hard rock and iron ore mines.

We have a proven track record for delivering cost effective results through service delivery for conveyors and conveyor systems.

Specialising in conveyor systems allows us to develop tools and techniques that are unique to The Combined Group with our customers achieving rapid results through improved conveyor reliability and availability.

We are proud of the achievements gained on behalf of our customers particularly as the benefits are significant and on-going.

Our customers acknowledge the improvements brought about by our initiatives and value the industry experience and practical solutions brought to bare on their problems.

Our services

  • Condition Inspections

    Our condition inspection services provides an excellent return on investment by reducing risk to the overall system. The net benefit is the significant increase in system availability through timely identification and rectification of problems before they occur. This allows our customers to implement a proactive planned downtime management process rather than reactive unplanned downtime.

  • Auditing

    Auditing is the process of periodically conducting a planned examination against established standards and regulatory requirements such as that laid down in the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Australian Standards such as AS1755 – Conveyor safety. Our risk based audit reports are supported with budget costs which are designed to provide the precise information required for developing a “Cost verses Risk” remedial action plan.

  • Contractor Auditing

    On-going quality product and service supply can only be assured if it is underpinned by sound management systems and practices. For “Mission Critical” suppliers, it is important to have confidence that they operate on this basis. We conduct independent audits that examines and measures key suppliers against an established criteria that identifies any shortcomings which provides the opportunity to develop and implement remedial action plans long before they adversely impact your business.

  • Failure Analysis

    "If we don’t learn from the past then we are destined to make the same mistakes in the future". We recognise the wisdom in this statement which is why we offer failure analysis services to determine the true root cause of a failure event. The analysis is an excellent tool for identifying remedial actions with an emphasis on preventing future recurrence of the failure in the same or similar locations.

  • Training

    Informal “On-the-job” training is a normal and desirable practice in the workplace however, this form of training can lead to wrong information and bad practices being passed from one employee to another with the end result that issues and problems can occur in the workplace that could have been avoided. Our training courses provide targeted and structured training with the view of offering the much needed balance between formal and informal knowledge and skills transfer on key and critical tasks.

  • Management Systems

    Every organisation operates through its management systems and some do it better than others. The problem that organisations face is that they operate the same system day after day and familiarity erodes the systems and processes until one day something major goes wrong. We have developed services and processes that provide tools and techniques that ensure the desired management systems are maintained and where required, are improved.


Our conveyor inspection software called "Raven", is the culmination of thousands of hours of Conveyor System Inspections, completed over the past ten years on various mining and industrial sites throughout Australia. The program has been developed in the field, based on real-time field data, and has been continually improved using the practical knowledge base of our experienced Engineers and Technicians. The simple user interface combined with its powerful database management and modular design, makes Raven the leading Conveyor Inspection Tool in the Materials Handling industry today.